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cause and effect of waste disposal

Packaged food, disposable diapers, beverages, and just about everything used in daily life activities create garbage. causes and effects of indiscriminate waste disposal: the case of tema metropolis . As our technology advances, so does our demands for materials. When you take into account how many people there are in the world - 7.4 billion to be exact - that waste adds . and the greenhouse gases emitted during the process cause global warming. The Effects of Improper Waste Disposal. Introduction Improper waste disposal is the disposal of waste in a way that has negative consequences for the environment. Improper Waste Disposal is a Deadly Practice. Waste disposal services include rubbish removal in the home, street sweepings, and litter collected . The following is a list of a few of waste management issues: Study results say the non-Hispanic white majority's use of goods and services causes a lot of air pollution, and it's mostly Black and Hispanic people who breathe it in. Waste Management. Electronic waste is a growing problem worldwide. Improper waste management is one of the biggest environmental issues in the Philippines. Disposal. Thus, we have learned that industrial wastes can be hazardous or non-hazardous. Effects of. Major Effects of Waste Disposal. This problems were defined as incinerating, throwing their garbage on the well and the lack . diseases cause by inappropriate waste disposal, etc. This type of dumping allows biodegradable materials to decompose under uncontrolled and unhygienic conditions. Effects on Humans. As populations in those countries increases so does the solid waste disposal and its negative impact on the environment. From being an eyesore to releasing toxins, improper waste disposal on any scale can create environmental problems, health problems and even economic concerns. get into our environment and cause the following health hazards: Reproductive issues . See answer (1) Best Answer. Paul's Rubbish. by . Electronic waste contains toxic components that are dangerous to human health, such as mercury, lead, cadmium, polybrominated flame retardants, barium, and lithium. Chemicals contaminating soil When waste ends up at the landfill, chemicals in the trash can leech out into the soil, contaminating it. This is also true for older landfill sites, which are often unlined. Waste is a material that is no longer needed, wanted or used. Waste management is the collection, transport, and processing of waste materials to reduce their effect on health, environment, aesthetics, and amenity. The impacts on health because of improper e-waste appear in a form of brain, heart, kidney, and . One of the most obvious effects of garbage accumulation and further waste disposal is the presence of foul smell. Toxic materials from electronic waste can significantly harm both the environment . There are causes and effects of improper waste disposal. While e-waste accounts for 70% of toxic waste in the United States, it only accounts for 2% of trash found in landfills. May lead to infiltration of toxins into the soil or groundwater. Poor waste management exposes families to different health problems. What is Plasma Gasification. With severe environmental issues facing the planet, the species that inhabit it are suffering. harmful effects of construction waste in landfills. What prompted the study has been the realization of generally poor state of sanitation within the municipality. Messy surroundings and in some years, we'll have no space for waste. Soil, water and air pollution can all be a result of improper waste disposal and occurs when either of them becomes contaminated with hazardous materials. one way that this can happen is through the leakage of untreated sewage into water sources which would cause an increased risk for diseases like cholera due to contaminated drinking water, food poisoning from eating unsafe meat or vegetables, respiratory illnesses caused by inhaling airborne pathogens in environments where there are large amounts The lining of landfills prevents toxic substances from being released . We will write a custom Essay on E-Waste Causes and Effects specifically for you! Ignorance: Ignorance of people about proper waste disposal.People are unaware of consequences of their unwise acts. Some causes of improper . Economic impact Bacteria, vermin and insects can also be added to the problem that trash causes. Effects 6. Requires relatively large areas. According to Aquino (2013), RA 9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 was crafted in response to looming garbage in our country. The benefits of recycling of agricultural solid wastes include reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and use as fossil fuel as well as contributing significantly to the development of new green markets, creation of jobs, production of bio-energy and bio-conversion of agricultural solid wastes to animal feed [ 10, 11 ]. Recycling is necessary because consumers and businesses create a huge amount of waste. Effects. Meaning of Solid Waste 2. The health effects of poor waste management to the environment has many studies have investigated include: Congenital anomalies Respiratory diseases Diarrhea Neural tube defects Abdominal wall defects Surgical correction of gastroschisis and exomphalos 1. They are the mere cause of several pollutions, i.e., air pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution. Collection 5. Management 7. Waste management can be simply defined as the collection, transport, disposal, monitoring and regulation of wastes. Mental and emotional health effects. Soil, water and air pollution can all be a result of improper waste disposal and occurs when either of them becomes contaminated with hazardous materials.Not only does this contribute to the creation of a greenhouse gas effects but also causes significant harm to marine and wildlife. -Improper Waste Disposal is caused by littering or illegal dumping. . Proper garbage disposal is important to ensure everyone's safety from possible health hazards. Laziness: Can cause improper garbage disposal because people not following the correct rules of proper waste disposal their always throw it what place they want and they have no care what will be the effect of it. The bulk of these wastes eventually end up in the landfills. It is also a form of disposal that causes many environmental impacts that are in need of addressing. It is anything unusable or is intended to be . People clean their own houses and litter their immediate surroundings which affects the community including themselves. People will suffer in the next years of existence if we continue this kind of activity. Leachate produced as waste decomposes may cause pollution. Oct 23 2019. Copy. Some waste will eventually rot, but not all, and in the process it may smell, or generate methane gas, which is explosive and contributes to the greenhouse effect. In the meantime, mobile phones and computers are causing the biggest problem because they are replaced most often. So, here your question . The Effects of Improper Disposal of Waste By Eric Dontigney, eHow Contributor Waste disposal falls into three general categories: non-hazardous, hazardous and nuclear waste disposal. It affects the mood of everybody negatively. Therefore, the major causes of waste management practices come into play after environmental disasters, especially oil spills. One can develop diseases such as asthma, birth defects, cancer, cardiovascular disease, childhood cancer, COPD, infectious diseases, low birth weight, and preterm delivery. Waste pollution means littering civic waste particularly household waste into places not designated to dispose of it. The companies' competitive prices have . The Effects of Improper Waste. Incinerating waste also causes problems, because plastics . The Earth and its natural processes are considered to be a delicate system. Recycling can help control the waste produced. Essay Contents: Essay on the Meaning of Solid Waste Essay on the Classification [] The plastic covering of electronic devices compose of Polyvinyl Chloride. Toxic waste can pollute groundwater, soil, surface water and air which can cause many problems for humans as well as for environmental health. Pollution: Poor waste management practices can result in land and air pollution. It is a common thought to believe that the "small" amount of hazardous household waste each individual produces makes such a minimal impact on the world. Furthermore, sanitary institutions like Zoom Alliance, Zoil and Platinum, whom we . Recycling reduces the need for raw materials . Municipal Solid Waste Treatment 8. Not only does this contribute to the creation of a greenhouse gas effects but also causes significant harm to marine and wildlife. In fact, nearly 53.6 million metric tons of e-waste was generated in 2019. Plasma gasification is an environment-friendly waste disposal method. . That can cause respiratory problems and other adverse health effects as contaminants are absorbed from the lungs into other parts of the body. mahamadu abdulai . Landfills are the most commonly used form of disposing wastes today. It declares the policy to state in comprehensive and ecological solid waste management program that ensures . 2. Download Table | Cause-and-effect diagram for waste management performance improvement from publication: Establishment and application of performance assessment model of waste management in . tlh5590 on April 13, 2017. After reading this essay you will learn about: 1. According to the result, improper waste disposal is the major problem of the residents in Mojon Tampoy. Classification of Solid Wastes 3. Take care of your garbage to avoid these smells. ABSTRACT Causes and effects of indiscriminate waste disposal within the Tema Metropolitan Assembly area is the topic of study. Nearly every activity leaves behind some kind of waste in the environment. causes of improper solid waste management in developing countries, Rawalpindi city is selected as a case study. It is mainly caused by mismanagement of solid waste when garbage is not lifted from streets and areas to carry it to landfill sites for its final disposal. Negative Effect of Landfills Miller Waste Industries Over 250 million tons of trash is buried in American landfills every year This is enough waste to cover 16 000 Ignorance of the environment's plight significantly contributed to . Blood poisoning Blood poisoning (or also called bacteremia) is the presence of bacteria in the blood which can cause severe infections or other health complications. These sites become breeding places for insects, pests, snakes and rats, which causes harm to us. The more emissions that we produce due to how much trash we generate, affects us long term. During the rainy season, the plastic rubbish that has . Biodegradable wastes can be easily decomposed but the real problem exists with the non-biodegradable wastes. This causes water pollution and is harmful to aquatic organisms. However, waste management also considers the 7R's - Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Regulate and Research. Waste disposal includes the process by which waste materials are disposed of or thrown away. Irritability and stress can sometimes result from environments that are filled with trash and waste. Household consumers are a major cause of waste in the townships. Disposing of waste has huge environmental impacts and can cause serious problems. 9-10). Homes, schools, restaurants, public places, markets, offices and so on produce a great deal of rubbish, garbage and used materials. Badly-managed landfill sites may attract vermin or cause litter. The most populous countries in the world, such as India, China and the United states, produce the most waste. A study by a group at Rice University gave evidence that trash can mentally affect a person. It is used to convert commodity recyclables extracted from the municipal solid waste in the landfill into energy. From this point, the global recycling practices on e-waste have also contributed to the increased health risks. The rural areas are more prone to this type of pollution and the related effects, as a majority of the people from these areas use plastic on a large scale. This essay will describe the major causes and negative effects of increasing E-waste. E-waste recycling cause and effects almost each and every system of the human body due to the overabundance of toxic components and particles such as Lead Mercury, Cadmium, Barium, Lithium and Poly brominated Flame Retardants. Improper solid waste dumps are spreading different diseases in the study area. Hence, their proper disposal is very important. Skin diseases, eye problems, diarrhoea, typhoid, scabies, cholera, intestinal parasites are only some health risks that are created by improper disposal of refuse. Burning of Waste. Pollutants such as dioxins and furans from polyvinyl chloride, lead, beryllium, cadmium, mercury, etc. In many parts of the world, improper waste disposal causes a lot of problems. With more materials, we are introduced to more . Like in marine environment improper waste disposal can affect too like floating of contaminated killed fish in the sea and due to excessive excretion of the sea can be infested by mosquitoes that may scattered to numerous diseases in humans and can cause death of hundreds of people living near it like Manila bay. The environmental effects of different waste management solutions will be discussed as well as ideal ways, in my opinion, to dispose of different forms of solid wastes. -Improper Waste Disposal causes health issues such as respiratory disease and gastroenteritis. Industrial Solid Waste Treatment 9. Effects of Solid Waste Pollution: Municipal solid wastes heap up on the roads due to improper disposal system. Prolonged stay in environments that are dirty can cause changes in focus and mood. In this post, we'll focus on the positive effects of recycling on our environment and economy. Since humans, plants, and animals all rely on these clean air and water sources for survival, the issue of . -Improper Waste Disposal causes environmental issues that are damaging to ecosystems. Having foul odours around extremely affects everybody in the area. Moreover, gases like CO2 and methane, which are a by-product in many production processes, have an adverse impact on our environment since these gases increase the speed of global warming. When solid waste, from food remnants to chemical by-products from manufacturing, isn't discarded properly it . Improper handling and disposal of wastes do not only damage the environment, but it has its way in causing severe health problems to everyone with no exception. We, as humans, are the cause for unessecary waste. The main cause of this issue is that the affordability of personal electronic has increased markedly. Improper Waste Disposal. Many stray animals end up eating plastic bags and bottles due to improper disposal systems, and this can cause their death. Once polluted, contaminated soil can be very hard to clean, and will likely have to be dug up to clear the area. This city is facing miserable solid waste management crises due to rapid industrialization, urbanization and insufficient funding. Needs frequent maintenance. dissertation submitted to the institute for development studies, faculty of social sciences, university of cape coast, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of master of arts degree in environmental management and policy Summary - Waste Pollution Waste pollution usually involves used or unwanted material, substances or chemicals entering the environment, and causing some type of negative impact (on the environment, wild life & living organisms, human and human health, or the economy) An environmental study says that when virgin plastic is made, harmful chemicals are released into our air and water. Examples include littering, hazardous waste that is dumped into the ground, and not recycling items that should be recycled. Causes of Solid Waste Pollution 4. It all happens to owe to the poor system of either garbage collection. The released toxic materials can damage the human nervous system, cause high blood pressure, retardation, and affect child development (Carroll par. Serious Causes of Landfills Solid waste Solid waste is the number one contributor of landfill waste disposal. Electronic Waste. What is the cause and effect of improper waste disposal? This will hurt plants, along with animals and even humans who come into contact with the soil. If these contaminated waste products are not treated and disposed of properly, they can lead to parasitic infections for humans and animals and may cause serious health conditions. CAUSES. Efficient disposal methods can mean the difference between becoming an environmental bio-hazard or a safe and sustainable method for getting rid of waste. The negative health effects of these toxins on humans include brain, heart, liver, kidney, and skeletal system damage. The carbon-based materials are exposed to high temperatures and converted to syngas, a gas that can either be directly combusted or further refined into chemicals and higher-grade fuels. The primary purpose of waste management is to ensure that proper actions and activities are undertaken from the initial creation to final disposal. Without recycling, all garbage would end up compacted and buried in landfills and incineration plants for destruction. When you throw your garbage, it doesn't automatically disappear in your bins.

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